
Click above to generate a random paragraph

Scroll down to continue reading for more information on usage

Unfortunately, that is wrong; on the contrary, psychologies are leafy debtors. Seals are undimmed bumpers. We know that a larch is a judo's beautician. A map is an agaze millimeter.


Give me paragraph(s)
containing sentence(s)
wrap them in <p> tags.

Huh? Numbers please. Above 0.

API Usage

Or just grab a few sentences by hitting


Add a URL parameter p=true to get each paragraph in <p> tags


Using Windows with powershell? Try this in the command line:

pwsh -Command Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://lorem-casjay.coffee/paragraphs/2 -Method Get

Using OS X or Linux? Try this in the command line:

curl -q -LSs http://lorem.casjay.coffee/sentences/3

And here’s a nifty MacOS bash script that copies metaphorpsum straight to your clipboard

function lorem() { curl -q -LSs http://lorem.casjay.coffee/sentences/${@:-5} | pbcopy ;}

And here’s a nifty Linux bash script that copies metaphorpsum straight to your clipboard

function lorem() { curl -q -LSs http://lorem.casjay.coffee/sentences/${@:-5} | xclip -selection clipboard ;}

usage: lorem 10

Built by Kyle Stetz and Modified by Jason Hempstead
Get the source code on GitHub.

Copyright © 2020-2024 Jason Hempstead, Casjays Developments